Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Kristi, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rev Annette Lacey. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Are you missing important email? This is an Important reminder to check your spam folder DAILY for important messages you may be missing due to spam filters.
We hear from Members who are not getting our support replies, or aren’t getting important updates, sales details, or payment or renewal notices.
Do you know where these legitimate emails are ending up? In your Spam folder.
As a result you may be missing important communications that can effect your online business.
To avoid problems we recommend this:
- Get a free Gmail account, the reason is explained below. Do this at
- Check your spam folder oftten to make sure GOOD email has not been filtered in with the BAD email.
- Whitelist (approve) email addresses from people or companies you want to receive email from (such as Worldprofit)
- How to Whitelist or set APPROVE for emails
Quick Tips:
1. Most people that don’t use Gmail will find emails from safelists, exchanges or automated email notices either in their spam folder or being blocked without them knowing by their ISP.,,, and especially block email WITHOUT TELLING YOU. Please be aware of this and CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. Even Google will filter some legitimate email to your spam folder but they are FAR better than most other email providers in how they process their email.
Some safelists won’t let you use ANY email address other than a gmail address due to the problem with blocks and filters..
2. If you use that’s good but the spam folder can be hard to find so use their help files.
Hint: look for it under the MORE section within your Gmail program.
Finally, even though you clear something in your spam folder as NOT spam, Gmail and all other providers will eventually update their filters and once again you may find good email getting filtered into your spam folder. Sadly it is you that will pay the price of having GOOD email that you have marked as GOOD go back into your spam folder. Check often and clear email back to your inbox as a habit – every single day. Keep up with it.
If you’re not getting an email message you are expecting, or, if you submitted a Support ticket and did not get a reply, or suddenly stop receiving email notices from Worldprofit that you used to receive, please CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER and WHITELIST (approve) Worldprofit emails.
3. In your Member area is a COPY of all your Support Tickets submitted and our replies. Check there as well if you did not get an emailed response.