Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
John, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Bobbi Nichols. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
How Worldprofit’s System is ALWAYS WORKING to help YOU make money.
5 Major Elements of the Worldprofit System that are ALWAYS WORKING to help YOU make money.
1. Associate Sign up Process
2. Integrated List Building
3. Sales Closing in the Live Business Center
4. Multiple Sources of Income
5. Promotion Sources and ongoing Marketing and Business Building Training and Support
When someone signs up as a free Associate member at Worldprofit they can:
- stay on as just a free Associate Member without any cost but with limited access no privileges
- upgrade to Silver or Platinum VIP Membership to get unlimited full privileges, Priority Traffic, Specialized Software, Training and Support
- purchase any of the other hundreds of money making products and advertising that we offer at Worldprofit
- purchase any of the recommended vendor products that you promote
- voluntarily subscribe to any of your email lists to help you list build for marketing and business growth purposes
When your Associate logs in to their free member account, they are greeted by one of our Monitors in the Live Business Center 24 hours a day.
Associates are offered assistance, directed to resources, and when interested made an offer to upgrade to a paid Membership.
Silver and Platinum VIP Members receive commission when Associates you refer upgrades to Silver or Platinum VIP Membership or purchases various products or services.
Just one sale can lead to many sales! We offer advertising, monthly packages, one year packages – your commissions can compound as your number of sales increase.
A complete commission chart of what you make, how much and on what is in your Member area.
NOTE: Commissions are not paid for generating Associate signups, only when an Associate makes a purchase.
Worldprofit sends an emailed Newsletter every few days to ALL Associates. The email includes offers, incentive, promotions, products for sale, and various free giveaways to encourage them to login to their Free Associate member account. This newsletter gets sent out from our head office and you do not have to do anything.
This ongoing, integrated, automated process allows YOU and all our members to focus 100% on promotion and the signing up of new Associates.
List building is critical to making sales today, tomorrow and down the road as you build your online business. Worldprofit’s entire system helps you to not just sign up the Associate initially but helps you build your own marketing lists, so you can maintain contact and an ongoing sales relationship with that person. Your membership includes hundreds of products you can sell to earn commission, and this is where the VALUE of your email marketing list should become very obvious to you.
NOTE: For those of you in OTHER or MULTIPLE Affiliate programs, you can learn about online marketing and how to generate steady leads and traffic by following our training program and utilizing the many affiliate marketing resources included in your Membership, What we teach and the resources provided can be used to build ANY online business.
If you do not understand this or need help getting on track here is what you should do now.
- Start the ONLINE training lessons. In your Member area on the TOP MENU click where it says TRAINING, get started on the online lessons. Go at your own pace. Be sure to progress to LESSON 3 to learn how to activate your included BONUSES. These are valuable TRAFFIC bonuses, so don’t miss out.
- Attend the LIVE TRAINING on Fridays with George Kosch at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET. These are LIVE and interactive so you can ask questions, see demonstrations on screen, find out what works and what doesn’t work, what’s new and what’s coming. These sessions are highly informative and also recorded then posted to the Training section.
- Ask for HELP. If you get stuck or need help, submit a SUPPORT FORM to our Support team.