Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Daniel, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Daniel Fischer. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Tips for Getting the FASTEST and Most Efficient Tech Support Here’s how YOU can help US help YOU.
- Access our Support Team anytime by submitting a Support Ticket. The link is on the TOP MENU, click on SUPPORT.
- Submit only one issue per ticket.
- When submitting a Support Ticket please provide clear details about your issue. If relevant provide a website address, product or service name, error code.
Or use the INCLUDED screen capture tool to send an image of what you SEE, so we can SEE the issue / error as you see it.
- Please allow 24 to 48 hours response time. The more urgent the issue the faster our response time.
- Don’t submit more then 1 ticket on the same issue. Be patient. Some issues require more investigation and time to resolve then others.
- If you need help with a product / service / software that Worldprofit did not create, contact the Vendor directly for Support.
- If you solve the issue yourself, or believe our response/action solved the issue, please close the ticket.
Important Notes:
- Issues we deem URGENT are flagged and responded to with FIRST PRIORITY.
- Tickets submitted by MONITORS, and Platinum VIP Members get PRIORITY Status.
- Tickets that are BRIEF and clear with specific details get FIRST ATTENTION.
- Tickets containing profanity are deleted and the Member account subject to suspension. We have a strict zero tolerance policy for abuse.
- Worldprofit Support services are available only in English.