Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Leonard, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rhonda Shaffer. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
The 2 MOST Powerful Words you need to KNOW (you’ll be surprised)
Are your Associates asking lots of questions about what Worldprofit offers?
We’ve got everything they need to start and GROW their online business!
Doesn’t matter what affiliate program(s) they are in – they can use our services!
Every Affiliate marketer on the planet needs what Worldprofit offers – and YOU can connect them!
You don’t have to know all the answers, you just need to know – 2 WORDS!
Here’s the 2 most POWERFUL words to use when engaged with your free Associate Members
That’s it!
Tell them to login!
In their Associate member area they can DISCOVER what Worldprofit offers!
- They will see what they get as a free Associate Member.
- They can watch the SILVER MEMBERSHIP Video to see the benefits of upgrading.
- When they login they will be met with Special Offers, incentives, fantastic upgrade deals!
- They will see the LIVE Business Center AND our Monitors ready willing and able to help.
- When they login they have instant access to all their questions.
- If they still have questions, our Support Team at Worldprofit is standing by to help them.
As a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP member, our system KICKS in when your Associates login.
This means YOU can focus 100% on promotion.
Focus on generating NEW Associate memberships every day by PROMOTING consistently.
Use Safelists, use Social Media, use whatever method you like, but PROMOTE.
Use the tools and resource, landing pages in your member area to get new Associate memberships.
When the Associates you have referred make a purchase, you earn commission.
The MORE Associates you have the MORE likelihood of seeing a conversion to sales – AND as you promote you are GROWING your email marketing list.
Do you see how it works?
When you get asked what we are, who we are, how does it work?
You say…. JUST LOGIN!
It all starts with a free Associate membership.
Ok, now get out there and start promoting.