Worldprofit News: Welcome to our newest Silver Member

Worldprofit Affiliate Marketing & Hosting Services

Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.

Christopher, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!

The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rev Annette Lacey. Great work!

Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online

Not sure if your Advertising is Effective ? Use the Ad Tracker Tool to see!

Do you feel like you are promoting like crazy but not getting Associate signups?

Then read this VITAL information before you waste your tiime, your money and scream out in frustration!

VITAL Tip # 1: Post to the Safelist and Exchanges that we RECOMMEND or use your own resources but do POST!
We test advertising sources and then some of the most effective recommended ones in your Member area.
You don’t have to just use those, generate your own trusted sources too and expand your marketing reach outside of Worldprofit circles.
Look for the TOP PLACES to advertise in your member area, left menu under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then "20+ Income Streams".

VITAL Tip # 2: Use the Ad Examples we provide.
After testing we post them in your member area. Use these to get Associate sign ups. Look for this in your Member area, left menu under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then click on AD EXAMPLES.
We know these ads work, use them. We add more on a regular basis.

VITAL TIP # 3: Use the free Ad Tracker Tool.
To be an effective marketer means KNOWING EXACTLY where you are getting your best response. Response can be measured by clicks. When you use the tools we recomend you can use the Ad Tracker Tool to see which advertising sources are producing clicks. Clicks are actual PEOPLE, clicking on your ad to see it.
Look for the Ad Tracker in your member area, left menu under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then AD TRACKER.
Below is VERY important data about the Ad Tracker and what kinds of click numbers you need to see conversion to sales!


When you analyze your Ad Tracker Data you want to set your goal at 200 clicks per DAY.
This is the average number of clicks you want EVERY DAY to see a conversion to sales.

If your Ad Tracker shows you are getting 50 clicks per day, that is not enough.
If you are getting 200 clicks in a week that is not enough.
200 clicks on average PER DAY is your goal.

Promotion is a DAILY REQUIRED TASK if you want to earn online. Don’t slack.

Here is a basic summary of what you need to know about online advertising.

1) Be aware of the difference between VIEWS and HITS. Hits usually refer to someone, a person actually CLICKING on your ad. Some sites promise to deliver hits, when really they are providing only views of your ad. This means no one actually clicks on the ad, your ad just appears somewhere lost on a page.
2) Some sites use a computer-generated script that has a computer CLICK on ads meaning you think you are getting hits, but no human has actually seen your ad.
3) Some sites pay people a very small amount of money to complete forms. These people have no interest in purchasing and are usually not good leads.
4) Some sites deliver leads to you but the leads are names of people from countries that do not have the ability to make secure verified purchases.

If you require any help about the above information, or using the tools in your Member area, submit a Support Form from within your member area. Our Tech Team will be happy to help you. Help is always only a click away.