Worldprofit News: Welcome to our newest Silver Member

Worldprofit Affiliate Marketing & Hosting Services

Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.

Jeffery, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!

The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Lisa Martiniuk. Great work!

Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online

Time for a Reality Check? I saw it today. A support ticket came in….. "I’ve been in your program for 8 days and haven’t made any money." We reviewed the account and noticed the customer had not started the Bootcamp Training. The Bootcamp Training is critical to profiting from Worldprofit’s System. We provide this FREE training with the Membership as we WANT our Members to succeed in our program but Members have to be willing to do some work.

In this age of instant gratification, and get rich quick schemes, it may be time for a Reality Check.

ANY business, franchise, apprenticeship, coffee shop, hamburger stand, lemonade stand, education or prowess requires a period of training, some out of pocket expense and yes, good old fashioned effort.

Did Google reach it’s monster success in 10 days? How about 20 years and counting?

Starbucks? Were they profiting in 8 days? Nope. They had to sell a lot of coffee and go through major growing pains to reach their worldwide success status today. Even today as times changes, they face challenges.

Do you really think those Affiliate marketer Super Gurus, the big guns, made the huge earnings they brag about in 2 weeks, 60 days?
I know some of them personally and I can tell you they did NOT do it overnight. There’s a lot more to their stories then the screaming 6 figure headline on those squeeze pages.
Those that did make it, did it with consistent effort, time, some help along the way, many mistakes, and rebounds and some financial investment to get there.

How about these success stories? Overnight success? I don’t think so.

How about McDonalds? A success in 3 months? The company started in 1940 and has had ups and downs on the road to success.

A Nurse? 2 – 3 years of college or university training, tuition costs and on graduation FINALLY a nice salary.

A Plumber? 3 – 4 year apprenticeship is required.

Olympic Athlete? Jamie Sale, an Olympic Gold Medal Winner in Skating started skating when she was 5, she won a gold medal when she was 23 at the Winter Olympic Games. That’s a lot of practice, expense, sweat and tears to reach a goal.

Being a success at school, in a marriage, as a parent, an athlete, as an entrepreneur, a professional, or business owner takes training, time and consistent hard work – and help from others.

Now let’s talk about you. You want to grow your own successful online business.

Ask yourself

  1. What have I done TODAY to build my business?
  2. Have I made an honest effort to work and build this business consistently?
  3. Am I making use of all the resources I have available to succeed at what I want to achieve?
  4. How focused and determined am I to make this happen?
  5. How much time will I invest per day, per week, in learning and then building my business

You’ve found us at Worldprofit, we are glad to have you on our team. Here you have unlimited access to unique tools, resources and strategies to make a success of your online business. Ours is a platform to build the foundation for your business and the resources to help it grow. Will you do the work to make it happen? We’re here to help you do it. Get busy with the training and let us know how we can assist. No sense tying up your shoes to get to the finish line if you can’t make it to the starting line. Come to our LIVE training on Friday mornings, showing up is the first step.