Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
shu, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rev Annette Lacey. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Not all Advertising is Equal. READ THIS so you don’t waste your money!
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: How to help ensure you get the BEST paid or credit based Advertising
Some of you are using various advertising sources that do not produce good quality leads. It is completely your choice where you promote but we want to make sure you understand that not all advertising is equal. Read these guidelines to save yourself wasted dollars on advertising, save time and avoid frustration.
Here is a basic summary of what you need to know about online advertising.
- Be aware of the difference between VIEWS and HITS. Hits usually refer to someone, a person actually CLICKING on your ad. Some sites promise to deliver hits, when really they might only be providing VIEWS of your ad. When you get VIEWS this usually means your ad just appears somewhere on a page/website, it doesn’t necessarily mean your ad is being clicked on.
- Some sites/vendors use a computer-generated robotic script that has a computer CLICK on ads meaning you think you are getting hits, but no human eyeballs have actually seen your ad.
- Some sites/ vendors pay people a very small amount of money to complete forms. These people have no interest in purchasing, they just click on your ad then leave. These are usually not good quality leads.
- When you buy traffic, seek answers to where it is sourced from. Is it from Exit Pages? Pop ups? An Ad Board? What kind of sites? Targeted sites in your market or unsavory sites you really don’t want to be associated with. What countries? Targeted or not targeted? Is it email based or web-based? Are you buying VIEWS or CLICKS? If buying a SOLO AD can you get on the LIST of the Vendor? If not, why not?
- Automation can be a problem and a quick route to getting your account banned or suspended. If you are buying LIKES, or SPINNING Articles, or MASS posting on social media, you may just wake up one morning and find your account shut down. Be very careful trying to BUY your growth. Building your online business is a marathon not a sprint.
Suggestions to get the BEST VALUE from your Advertising and Promotion Efforts.
- The Safelists and Exchanges listed in your Worldprofit Member area under Advertising/Traffic are ones that we recommend for both paid advertising or credit-based free advertising. The list we provide is a GOOD place to start for paid ads. Don’t limit yourself to just Worldprofit suggested sites, or sites Worldprofit manages. Expand your reach, find your own Safelists, tap into new virgin markets, people unfamiliar with Worldprofit products and services. PROMOTION is what will generate sales. Try to add new promotion sites to your list of sources each week. Safelists are an excellent way to promote for little or no cost, just find sites that are well managed, you will know as support will be provided, and ads will be approved promptly.
- Don’t put all your marketing eggs in one basket. Use a VARIETY of promotion including Safelists, Social Media, Blogs, Classifieds, Ad Boards, Traffic Exchanges. Mix it up, track your results to see where your most RESPONSIVE leads are coming from.
- If you purchase an Ad, then get an instant RUSH of sign ups with bogus letters entered or a fictional name, or a similar pattern of name entry, you may want to question the quality of the lead and the source. Data entry patterns can indicate computer generated (bot) sign ups, not an actual living person.
The true test will be to see if that Associate logins, you can check this using the WHO’S LOGGED IN link on top menu. No logins, usually means a fake lead. Real people (Associates) sign up, then login. Use your Ad Tracker tool that we provide FREE for your use in your member area. If you purchase advertising somewhere and you get ZERO hits tracked on your Ad Tracker that can be a red flag. There are some exceptions, some sites for various reasons do not permit tracking. - If you want to check with our Worldprofit Support Team BEFORE you buy paid advertising from a source submit a Support form request. We are happy to provide you with advice.
- Solo ads are a low cost good way to advertise. If you buy solo ads we urge you to ask the vendor to add you to the list where your ad will be posted. That way you can see your ad within the mailing and be sure your ad has gone out as a SOLO ad to a list of subscribers. If they have a massive list as they claim, then you should be able to sign up for it to see the mailings.
- Follow the steps of the online Bootcamp Training, and attend the Live Weekly Training Sessions with George Kosch. We can save you time and frustration by helping you avoid mistakes and by focusing on the tasks that will get results.
Final Words.
- Newbies underestimate how much promotion it takes to see sales conversions. Promote often, promote consistently. No promotion – no sales.
- Make SURE your URLS are CORRECT. Test them BEFORE you press SEND. We recommend you cloak your links, use our included Link Cloaking tool.
- Don’t blame the advertising source for lack of results, if what you’re promoting is not believable, or makes false, misleading or deceptive claims. Promote good quality products and services that are in demand using QUALITY trusted vendors. Take a good look at your ad, does it MOTIVATE the reader? Provide BENEFITS? Provide an OFFER – a REASON to sign up? Poor quality advertising that offers zero benefit to the reader will generate zero results.
The bottom line is this. One of the fastest way to DOOM your online business, is buying paid ads in places that don’t produce good quality leads. You may think, "I am advertising and promoting but not getting results!" But know this: If your ad is not being seen by real people at a reputable advertising source you will be out of money and make none. Be wary and wise when purchasing online advertising. Save yourself from wasting your money and the frustration.