Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Usen, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Will Buckley. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
New to Worldprofit? Here are suggestions to get off to a great start!
1. Get to know Worldprofit and what we offer by spending some time in your Member area and clicking on links and reading. You will be better able to promote what you understand and better able to profit if you know all the tools and resources you have at your finger tips. Be sure to review the Commission Chart so you know all the services and products you can earn commission, how much, as well as the Bonuses you can qualify to receive.
On the TOP LEFT column BELOW where your NAME and BADGE appears is a link called YOUR MEMBERSHIP SERVICES, review to see ALL that is included in your Membership level.
2. Join Worldprofit’s Social Networking Community. Create a profile, add links, videos, blog ad you wish. Go to:
3. As soon as you get confirmation that your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership is set up, login to your DEALER Member area and start the online Bootcamp Training.
Go at your own pace, watch the training videos and follow the online instructions.
Bootcamp shows you how to use the Worldprofit System to profit online in ANY affiliate program not just Worldprofit.
4. Check out the ClickBank Store linked on the left menu of your member area. There are several services listed to help those interested to sell ClickBank products to earn 100% commission.
We also include easy to use promotion tools like the Promo Kit to make selling easy!
For automation of ClickBank sales review the CB Maximizer.
5. Attend George Kosch’s LIVE BOOTCAMP TRAINING on Fridays. Access this interactive training in your Member area too, and details will be emailed.
This is a LIVE interactive event, and we’ve noticed our TOP SELLERS are always there – you should be too. Ask questions, get instant answers, watch and request LIVE demonstrations.
If you can’t attend the live event we record it and post to the Member area so you always have access when convenient for you.
6. Consider our FastTrack advertising program before you buy advertising anywhere else. The reason is that we place ads at sites we’ve tested and know to be reputable, then we run ads we have tested and are responsive. When the leads come in we email them direct to you so they are FRESH and yours to contact. We have a number of affordable options. Login to your Member area and on left hand menu click on "Advertising/Traffic" then on "FastTrack Visitors".
We make NO profit on these leads the money you spend goes directly into the ad campaigns.
7. Review in your Member area all the ways you can make money with Worldprofit. We have a Commission chart that explains what you get paid for, on which services, when you get paid. monthly commission reports, and details on how you can earn bonuses each month – up to $1,000 in bonuses! Spend some time in this section look under left menu then SALES and Commissions to see how you earn commissions from 20 – 100%.. Enter how you want to be PAID your commission earning.
8. Know where to go when you have questions, just complete a Support form linked on TOP menu in your Member area. A member of our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please don’t ask the Monitors technical or marketing questions, that is what our Support Team is for and we are here 7 days a week to help YOU.
Get busy, Take action. Start your success path now! PROMOTION is what will START and GROW your business now, and for years to come!
You’ve got the tools – use them EVERY DAY – now it’s up to YOU!