Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Andrew, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rev Annette Lacey. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Help us help YOU! How to get Fast and Efficient Support when you need it.
- Got a technical question?
- Question about your account?
- Wondering how to use a specific tool or software in your Member area?
- Having technical difficulty when accessing your Member services?
- Encounter an error message?
- Stuck on one of of the Bootcamp lessons?
- Got a question about your commissions?
These are just a very few of the things we can help you with at Worldprofit Support.
If you require help, or assistance in using your Worldprofit Member Services contact our Worldprofit SUPPORT TEAM.
Please do not ask the Monitors, these nice people are volunteers helping with sales not technical or marketing support.
Our support team can provide you with updated, professional, accurate information on all Worldprofit Services and Policies.
To get help use the link located on the TOP menu – click on SUPPORT.
Submit your issue and we will get back to you as soon as we can, usually the same day, sometimes within 24 – 48 hours.
Issues deemed as critical get first priority. Some issues take longer than others to troubleshoot.
One issue per ticket please.
To get the most efficient response, tell us clearly what the problem is.
- If you get an error message share with us the exact error code, copy and paste, or do a screen capture.
- If you’re having an issue with a website, provide the address.
- Problem with a service? Tell us which one, provide the link or product/service name..
- Tell us precisely what you were doing or the exact website address you were at when you encountered the problem.
Clearly identifying and describing the problem helps us do the best job possible of helping you.
If you are vague it makes it more difficult for us to identify your problem and provide you with a fast solution.
We have included a SCREEN CAPTURE tool in the Support Ticket area so you can capture a picture and send to us to save time.
Help is ALWAYS only a click away! We look forward to helping you.