Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Steve, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Rev Annette Lacey. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Advertising Mistakes. Are you making these?
Are you advertising but getting frustrated with no or few results?
Feel like you are doing everything right but no results?
It could be that you aren’t advertising in the right places to target your market and get a response.
It could be that you are only advertising to a few sites, in promotion MORE is better.
It could be that you aren’t a consistent marketer. Some people will promote for a few days, take a week off, promote again, take a month off.
If you want RESULTS you are advised to promote as OFTEN as you can, as many DIFFERENT places as you can.
Be sure to use a landing page (squeeze page) lead with benefits and an OFFER. Offering something FREE is the best way to get a response.
Don’t lead with a product page that has a price attached. Instead offer something for free when the person enters their contact details.
Goal of promotion is lead generation and list building.
Lead with BENEFIT. Sizzle.
Hum drum promotions gets you hum drum results. Be exciting, make an offer, entice the CLICK to get your optin.
Not all advertising sites are equal.
Some offer you credits, some offer you hits, some offer you views, some offer solo ads, some offer pay per click. Some ads are free, some you have to pay.
How do you know where to advertise to get the best results?
For the newbie it can be frustrating, time consuming and EXPENSIVE if you don’t know what you are doing.
At Worldprofit, we’ve TESTED several advertising sites then listed in your Member area those we found to be the most responsive and least expensive (many are even free). We have over 30 places listed in your member area and we add new ones as we test for results.
You can find our Recommendations in your Member area, on left menu click on "ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC" then on "20+ Income Streams".
There you will find our list of the best safelists and traffic exchanges to promote the Landing Pages for Associate sign ups as well as the ClickBank and Reseller products.
DO NOT limit yourself to just those sites!
We also have over 200 sites where you can get FREE Advertising, access these in the PROMO CODE Center.
Expand your reach into new markets by using DIFFERENT sites.
Access the Promo Code Center on LEFT MENU under ADVERTISING / TRAFFIC select PROMO CODE CENTER.
Don’t limit yourself to the sites we recommend – use those to get you started and understanding of the process and what is involved in promotion.
By all means, once you have mastered the basics and know how to promote to a few safelists, grow, GROW, EXPAND.
Tap into new markets. Don’t keep fishing in the same pond, try a new lake!
Here are a few advertising tips to help you out as well.
1. As a general rule PAID advertising produces better results than free advertising.
The sites we have listed in your Member area are sites that we recommend for both FREE and PAID ads.
2. Pay attention to two things when you get your leads from your advertising.
Leads from countries like USA, Canada, Australia and Europe often produce the best sales conversions.
3. Advertise as often as you can. DAILY is best.
Promote! Promote! Promote!
Do this at a number of sites, exchanges, safelists, blogs, forums, classifieds, social networking sites, social media sites, and newsletters.
When it comes to promotion, your job is never done.
4. Use your Ad Tracker Tool. The basic version of this software is FREE for both Silver and Platinum VIP Members. Advertise then look at your Ad Tracker to monitor your results. It’s an INSTANT way to see if what you are doing is working or not. Looking for more detailed data, consider our Advanced Ad Tracker included in the Platinum VIP Membership.
Advertising Hint: Have you noticed that big companies, Coca Cola, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Apple and other companies are always running ads and promotions? Guess what? You as an online marketer must do the same. Promote every single day (if you can) as many ways as you can. Think this is a lot of work? You are right! It is but if you use the strategies and tools we teach you in the Bootcamp it’s way easier and faster. Come to the next LIVE online live Bootcamp Training to learn EXACTLY how. Get help, answers, demon and more – all focused on helping you grow your online business.