Congratulations to Worldprofit’s NEW Silver Member.
Otto, welcome to our home business and affiliate marketing program. And, welcome to our family of amazing entrepreneurs!
The Monitor who helped with this fantastic upgrade was Phil Corneau. Great work!
Sandi Hunter’s Tips To Help Members Make Sales & Earn Online
Got email troubles? Get Gmail!
Email is a powerful tool but not the tool it once was thanks to spammers.
In an effort to combat spam a number of providers put blocks on your email without you even knowing they are doing so. The result is that incoming email is censored by your provider on the basis of certain key words, or suspect domain names. This can be a good thing because it reduces the amount of spam you receive, but it is largely a negative action because YOU do not get to control what email you receive and what gets blocked. You could be missing out on email that you do want to receive. Smaller providers often don’t have the resources to update their email controls and you the user are on the losing side of that.
For this reason we suggest getting a free email account from This mail service is run by Google. They have enormous resources and in our opinion offer the best possible email system. They do not block email, all email comes in and you have 100% control over what you receive and don’t receive. You can set up forwards, personal emails, filters, contact lists, spam filters, email search and more.
If you want to have the best possible email system, and control your own incoming email, stop missing important emails, get access to other helpful Google tools, and have tons of space to do so go to and get an account today. Setting up an account will take you a few minutes and you will love using Gmail.