Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Dave Hayes. That makes our day here at Worldprofit!

Awesome Worldprofit Review and Testimonial just in from Dave Hayes. That makes our day here at Worldprofit! This is a testimonial, to show the absolute power that Lesson 3 of Worldprofit’s Bootcamp and how it will benefit you.

I am an experienced marketer, with my own business and also a Worldprofit Silver Dealer, who knows how to market online and has done so for a good number of years, using both Social Media and the methods taught in the Bootcamp.

Without question, the Bootcamp is the way to build your leads, as long as you follow the lessons and join the Traffic Exchanges and Safelists, together with the Associate Sign Up Sources. Do this and your leads will come to you.

How I Do mine is this way. I spend a % of my day, surfing 1 traffic exchange and also clicking emails in Safelists that I can use daily. I do this with the safelists so I have a sufficient amount of credits, from my own work and that of my referrals, to mail out daily to these high ranked safelists.

I then spend another % of my day, in a gmail account, specifically designated, in accordance with the training in the Bootcamp, for safelists, solo ads and viral mailers. I do this so I build up credits through my own work and that of my referrals, so that I can then mail out to multiples of safelists, every three or 4 days.

This method works, much quicker than Social Media Promotion, which will attract followers first who turn into buyers. I do however use Social Media, in particular, YouTube and Facebook, but these channels are supplemental to safelist and traffic exchanges, because safelists work via email marketing, whereas Facebook does not

I also use the turnkey services offered by Worldprofit, because they plain and simple work.

What is interesting is that I have done this for a loooonnngggg time now, during which, the same people, who are not with Worldprofit currently, or who might have been in the passed and deviated off, have always asked me, how they can get success online. When they are told, the response is usually ‘But that’s hard work’

Yes it is hard work, depending on you do it, but when you choose to work online, you are choosing a new career, when you do that the rewards come and there IS no other way I know of to short cut this method

Lesson 3, Works, when you follow, when you do, success will come to you too

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